Fun in the City
My recent posts have been about PR and politics, so I figured I’d spice it up a little bit with this one and write about what I’ve been doing for fun in DC.
Since I moved here in August, I’ve been on the hunt for good Mexican food. Not real Mexican food, I’m not that classy, but fake American-Mexican food that you find in places like Moe’s Southwest Grill. Moe’s has a special place in my heart because it’s cheap, their queso is to die for and they have an unmatched salsa bar. The problem is that I can’t find one in DC, and I have yet to find a comparable restaurant. I got a little crazy last week, though, and ordered a burrito and chips and salsa from a place called Alero in Northwest DC. Guess what? It was surprisingly good! It was a little pricy—$27 altogether—but that’s to be expected in this city.
Aside from the Mexican food search, I’ve been on the prowl for a good spray tan. I hate Mystic tanning. I’m way too claustrophobic to be in that little booth while holding my breath and closing my eyes. It totally freaks me out. So I opted for the more pleasant, and consequently more expensive, airbrush option. Although a Mystic tan costs around $20, and an airbrush costs around $45, it’s worth it to be in an open room and sprayed by a human, trust me.
Two of best friends from the University of South Carolina are coming to visit me this weekend, and I’m excited to bring them with me as I continue to explore this amazing city! Stay tuned for more posts :)
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