Friday, August 12, 2011

Republican Challengers Face Off

The White House race is heating up, and although I’m a Democrat, I still evaluate the chief Republican challengers. Here are my thoughts:

Michele Bachmann, Minnesota Congresswoman
Agree: Spending cuts are necessary.

Disagree: Planned Parenthood should be de-funded, taxation dampens growth and individuals should have the right to bear arms.

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House
Agree: The United States needs to stop spending beyond its means, and education is the most important factor in our future prosperity and national security.

Disagree: There should be a Federal ban on abortions, we should drill in Alaska and that the gas tax should be eliminated. 

Jon Hunstman, Former U.S. Ambassador to China
Agree: We should cut out losses and withdraw our soldiers from Afghanistan.

Disagree: There should be a cutback on military expenses, there should not be a weapons ban and global warming is a hoax.

Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota
Agree: Capital punishment should be reserved for limited murder cases, including those that happen during or after sexual assault, and background checks should be required to carry firearms. 
Disagree: Runaway spending should be controlled by redefining the funding level for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security recipients. 

Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts
Agree: One of the highest priorities should be making China a partner for stability in the world.
Disagree: Embryonic stem cell research is a bad idea, reaganomics will bring in economic growth, there should be a national standard for marriage, and Planned Parenthood should be de-funded.

So if I had to vote for a Republican, it would probably be Pawlenty. Who would you vote for?

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